URL hacking to auto populate fields on click of button
Hi Developers !!. This post is regarding the Custom Button on Opportunity Object which will help us to create cloned opportunities and auto populate fields with its Line items with the help of URL hacking Please follow the below steps: 1. Go to setup. 2. Create new detail page button on Opportunity object. 3. Give the Label for button. 4. Set behavior as 'Execute JavaScript' and Content Source as 'OnClick JavaScript' . Paste the below snippet of code in your window. {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/connection.js")} {!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/apex.js")} var urlhack = "{!URLFOR( $Action.Opportunity.Clone , Opportunity.Id, [cloneli=1,opp11='Unqualified',CFID (Give id of the custom field)=Opportunity.Name])}"; window.open( urlhack ); 5. Go to opportunity layout and add new button in the layout.